Saturday, October 24, 2009

the movie called the Substitue

The movie called the Substitue is a mercenary , who's girlfriend is a teacher ,at a high school, in -
-Miami Fla, who gets her kneecap broken the leader of a street gang ,dealing and selling drugs, there.
The name of the mercenary is named Jonathan Shale, who's members of his group of loyal mercenaries help him go after the nasty group of gang members, dealing and selling drugs, at that high school.
The high school principal sells drugs at his high school.
Jonathan Shale posing as a subsitite teacher, at that same high school and he also ,grabs one of-
-those nasty gang members and throws him ,through a class room window, at that high school.

In the final part of the movie called the Substitue, there is a very violent gun fight between Jonathan Shale and his very loyal mercenaries, all the gun members and the nasty high school -
-principal and his very nasty friends, are all killed in that very violent gun battle, at that same high school, Jonathan Shale and one member of his very loyal former mercenary unit are the -
-only one who survive that gun battle or violent shoot-out at that high school.
Jonathan Shale 's other mercenary members are all killed in that gun battle at that same high -

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